
Организацията AUTOBEST лансира нова Зала на славата - Д-р Волфганг Порше е първият й член - видео

Организацията AUTOBEST лансира нова Зала на славата - Д-р Волфганг Порше е първият й член - видео

Организацията AUTOBEST лансира нова Зала на славата - Д-р Волфганг Порше е първият й член - видео

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За пръв път в 17-годишната история на AUTOBEST, европейското жури реши да стартира нов проект с име ‘AUTOBEST Hall of Fame’. Посвещаваме тази глобална и уникална галерия на иконите в света на автомобила. С нея се признават заслугите на личности които са посветили живота си за развитието на автомобила и подговянето му за по-добро служене на хората. Това е зала на славата за забележителни личности които са оставили личния си отпечатък в нашата история. Включването на дадена личност в AUTOBEST Hall of Fame е решение на на най-голямото независимо жури от автомобилни журналисти в Европа, представляващо 31 държави.

“Избрахме да тръгнем с ключова личност от днешната автомобилна индустрия. Д-р Волфганг Порше е посветил цялата професионална енергия на автомобилния свят. Той е в основата на развитието на Porsche AG и Volkswagen Group. Има многобройни решения, модели и стратегии инициирани от д-р Порше. В трудното днес време за Volkswagen Group, виждаме неверотната му енергия за опазване на компанията. Д-р Порше е активен, омиротворяващ, прокарващ мостове, вярващ на компетентните хора, търсещ честни решения и създаващ ценности не само за фамилията си, но и за повече от 630 000 служители. Дори и да не говиждаме често в новините, той винаги присъства” - заяви Дан Вардие, основател и президент на AUTOBEST по време на гала-церемонията по награждаването в Залцбург.

От своя страна приемайки номинацията д-р Порше каза: “Да станеш член член на тази световна-уникална галерия, посветена на иконите на автоомобилния свят е огромна чест. И наистина добро чуство. Благодаря на журито, че ме избра. В такъв момент е много интересно да науча нещо ново за себе си и за моя живот. Нещо, което не знаех досега или което бях забравил. Наистина това не се случва всеки ден - да чуя толкова много ласкави думи. Обикновенно, семейството ми е доста по-строго с мен. Те не ми позволяват много. Но аз приемам и се радвам на речта - беше чудесно да ви слушам господин Вардие.

“Сега сме в средата на истинско цунами от промени, ускоряване, развитие и трансформация на индустрията. Това тревожи доста хора - нещо което мога да разбера. Но независимо от опасенията се нуждаем да сме сигурни че ще управляваме процеса на промени професионално и със хладна кръв. Както и дае - процесът няма да спре. Не можем да върнем часовника назад. Но с мисълта за типичните Porsche добродетели, като търпение и страст, ще останем на терена.”

IВъв финала на речта си д-рПорше подчерта: “ Честно прието нямам нужда от всички тези нови неща. Истината е че харесвам да карам. Наслаждавам се да карам Porsche. Радвам се да държа в ръцете си волана. Но знам, че в края на краищата не става дума за това какво искам. Винаги става дума за пазара и за това което търси клиентът. Tова е и винаги ще бъде нашето кредо. Заради това Volkswagen, Audi и Porsche aще развиват услуги за свързаност, електромобили и ще инвестират милиарди в автономното управление. И мога да обещая, че докато мога ще продължа да допринасям каквото мога с опита си и страста си за нашите компании. Вярвам че това е моята отговорност!”

Слева пълният текст на прессъобщението на AutoBest на английски.

The AUTOBEST organisation launches its new Hall of Fame
- Dr Wolfgang Porsche becomes the first member

For the first time in the 17-year history of AUTOBEST, the European Jury has decided to open a new project called the ‘AUTOBEST Hall of Fame’. We dedicate this globally unique gallery to the icons of the automotive world. It recognises personalities who have devoted their lives to develop the automobile further and make it better in the service of the people. It is the Hall of Fame for remarkable people who have made their mark in our history. Becoming a member of AUTOBEST Hall of Fame is a decision of the largest independent motoring media jury in Europe, representing 31 countries.

“We choose to start with the key personality of the automotive industry today. Dr Wolfgang Porsche dedicated his entire professional energy to the automotive world. He has been instrumental in the development of Porsche AG and the Volkswagen Group. There are myriads of decisions, models, and strategies carrying ideas that stem from Dr Porsche. As an example, if we take the latest turbulent developments at the Volkswagen Group, we can see an incredible journey in spite of all the odds. Do not make any mistake or misjudgement: Dr Porsche is always humble, proactive, building bridges, entrusting competent people, looking for fair solutions and creating value not only for his family but also for more than 630,000 employees. Even though you don’t see him often in the news, he is there,” stated Dan Vardie, Founder and Chairman, during the AUTOBEST Gala in Salzburg.

In his acceptance speech, Dr Porsche said: “Becoming a member of this global - unique - gallery, dedicated to the icons of the automotive world, is a great honour. And a really good feeling. Thank you, dear voting committee, for choosing me. In such moments I find it always interesting to learn something new about me and my life. Something I didn’t know yet - or had forgotten. You know, it doesn’t happen every day, that I hear so many flattering words. Usually, my family is much stricter with me. They don’t indulge me very much. But I admit I enjoyed the speech, it was wonderful to listen to you, Mr Vardie.”

“We are in the midst of a Tsunami of change, speed, development and transformation in this industry. This is worrying a lot of people – which I can understand. But despite all these concerns what we need is to make sure that we manage this process of change professionally - and in cold blood. Anyway, there is no stopping this process. We cannot turn the clock back. But with the typical Porsche virtues in mind, which is patience and passion, we will stay ahead of the field.”

In the final part of his speech, Dr Porsche confessed: “I honestly admit, I don’t need all these new things. The truth is I enjoy driving. I enjoy driving a Porsche. I enjoy keeping my hands firmly on the steering wheel. But I know at the end of the day, it is not about what I want. It is always about what the market and the customers want. That is - and has always been - our credo. That is why Volkswagen, Audi and Porsche are of course developing connected services, electric vehicles, and investing billions in autonomous driving. And I promise as long as I can, I will continue to contribute with the experience I have and all my passion to our companies. I believe this is my responsibility!”

Dr Wolfgang Porsche was born in Stuttgart on May 10, 1943, as the youngest son of Dorothea and Ferdinand (Ferry) Porsche, the founder of the Porsche sports car brand. His grandfather was the brilliant automotive engineer who shaped the history of the car history with his Stuttgart automotive engineering office. Dr Wolfgang Porsche spent the first six and a half years of his life at the so-called ‘Schüttgut’ in Zell am See, Austria, the estate of his grandfather Ferdinand Porsche. Once having returned to Stuttgart in 1950, Dr Porsche obtained his Abitur (higher school-leaving certificate) in 1965, and subsequently, he also passed his journeyman's examination as a metalworker. Afterwards, Porsche obtained his degree in Business Administration from the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration. In 1973, he received his doctorate in International Business.

To the surprise of some of the younger generations of today, Dr Wolfgang Porsche went first into business as an independent entrepreneur starting as Managing Director of Jamoto, becoming the general importer of Yamaha motorbikes in Austria. He returned to Germany in 1976 and worked at Daimler-Benz AG in Stuttgart as manager in various areas of national and international sales. Upon the death of his father Ferry in 1998, he was selected as spokesman of the Porsche family.

As a private person, Dr Porsche is equally a fascinating personality. The father of four children lives alternatively in Salzburg, and the ‘Schüttgut’ in Zell am See, which he acquired from the family estate. There, in the Salzburger Land, he operates an Alpine organic farm with around 200 dairy cows. An ardent hunter, he has always felt close to nature. His enthusiasm for sports cars, however, has been the focus of his entire life from his very early youth onwards. Over the course of several decades, a private collection of vintage cars has evolved that contains numerous very rare Porsche vehicles, which he drives regularly.

The AUTOBEST Hall of Fame is a new project coming from AUTOBEST organisation. It aims to become the most meaningful, globally unique gallery of iconic personalities of our automotive times. Dr Wolfgang Porsche is the perfect choice as its first inductee. It was also perfect timing, just ahead of Dr Porsche’s 75th birthday and in an ideal location, Salzburg.

As per the other award categories and under the rules of the AUTOBEST Jury, it is not mandatory to have a new inductee each year. Following the procedure of voting and consensus, the Jury will decide upon the future invitations for persons to join the AUTOBEST Hall of Fame.


The AUTOBEST organisation was established in 2001 with the revolutionary concept of “best buy car” available on the European market. A total of 31 European nations is now represented in the Jury, covering the vast majority of the European population. For a car to become an AUTOBEST winner, it must represent the best offering for most European customers. Price, service network, spare parts distribution and versatility are the most important criteria in the voting process. Design and new technologies are becoming important criteria for voting. AUTOBEST uses a transparent voting system, with a complex matrix of 13 criteria to decide the winner. Назад


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